Annual report of 2015
Here we would like to share with you the actions in numbers we have done in 2015
- We have served in 7 town (Nyíregyháza, Hajdúhadház, Laskod, Pavlovce /Slovakia/, Czakov /Slovakia/, Debrecen, Tiszalök)
- 25-30000 kilometres of driving in the mission field
- More then 100 preachings in Churches
- More then 40 preachings in prisons (two prisons)
- 26 Youth and Child meetings
- In the Prison more then 200 person received Jesus as their Saviour
- We have made the Gospel available to more then 2000 person
- 7 True Band concert
- We were a part and helpers of 2 "counselling - deliverance" ministries name "Encounter"
- We were a part as a helper and also as one of the catalyst of the "Project week" - it means: building a Church building in Hajdúhadház
- We have started 2 projects: "You are valuable"* project, and the develop of the online communication of the Church
- And several personal counselling, prayer meetings, helping to married couples to restore and many ours in spiritual warfare.
When we looking these numbers, our hearts are full with thanksgiving that God gave us straight to do all these. All glory belongs to Him and we are honored to be His workers and we also glad that you were the part of this also.
God bless you!
Zink Norbert and Szilvia
*it is the project with goal, to reach people and have contact with them. We are giving a little card to the people walking on the Town square with a message: "You are valuable". On this card there is written a website name and who we are.